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About Castleton weather

Castleton weather was set up in October 2022 to see a more detailed forecast of current conditions in Castleton and its surrounding hills, through some research of other weather sources I have found they aren't always as accurate or in depth for certain areas and generally go off averages from a range of sites.

With help and a lovely donation from Treak Cliff Cavern they have very kindly let me set up one of my weather stations at their business as it is very close to mam tor and high enough to get accurate readings, my other station is located a bit lower down in the beautiful village of castleton so I can get a good sense of readings from both to allow me to collect data and put a daily forecast out on my weather page over on Facebook. 

No matter what you are up to in the peaks we hope to keep you up to date on what's happening with the Weather. 

To help with the upkeep and time into the website and maintenance of the hardware any donations are welcome via the PayPal link found at the top of the website. 

thanks from Castleton weather.


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